Magic Cat Academy Wiki
Magic Cat Academy Wiki

Magic Cat Academy is a school for magic that teaches animals how to cast spells. In the 2016 Halloween, the school was attacked by Ghosts but a cat named Momo saved them using spells.


Name Role Game
Librarian Ghost Temporary Librarian 2016 Game
Cauldron Ghost Temporary Chef 2016 Game
Planetarium Ghost Temporary Teacher 2016 Game
Coach Ghost Temporary PE Teacher 2016 Game
Blue headmistress

All the known teachers were all temporary during the Ghost's attack on the school. None of the actual teachers are known.


Name Game
Momo 2016 Game, 2017 Film, 2020 Game
Pumpkin Sorcerer Anonymous animals, 2016 Game
Owl Sorcerer 2016 Game
Dog Sorcerer 2016 Game, 2017 Film
Frog Sorcerer Google Weather, 2016 Game, 2017 Film
Fox Sorcerer Thanksgiving 2013, 2017 Film, New Year's Eve 2019 (Google Weather)


Momo, Pumpkin, Frog, Owl and Dog were in the library when Momo summoned an evil Ghost. The Ghost took over the school and several other Ghosts replaced the teachers. All students except for Momo ran away somewhere in the school to keep away from the Ghosts. Momo used spells to destroy all the Ghosts. Eventually, the Boss Ghost ran away with the Spell Book and consumed the power, becoming a massive three-eyed monster. Momo killed him and the students celebrated.


All students must wear a grey robe and they carry wands.


